Web - app template

template preview image

Key Features:

- Tailwind CSS v2.0
- Fully responsive layout
- Retina ready
- Cross-browser tested
- Fully customizable
- Meets WCAG accessibility guidelines

Product Description:

Olympus is a comprehensive web application with a simple goal, to improve customer/prospect relationships, and streamline organizational processes. The template covers all major areas of a CRM and is built with a modern and clean visual design language that and familiar user experience patterns to get you started quickly.

Template Breakdown:

- Dashboard Overview
- Chat - Invoices
- Projects (Kanban board, activity board, files, links)
- Tasks
- Users
- Profile
- Calendar


- Tabler icons
- Feather icons
- Remix icons
- Ions icons

Select Integration :


Last Updated :

1 year ago

Created :

3 years ago

Tailwind CSS :

v 3.4.1

High Resolution :


Component Ready :


Compatible Browsers :

Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
